阿拉莫大学 区 市场

阿拉莫大学 区 市场购物中心为部门和组织提供了一种安全的方式,通过收集产品的在线和销售点付款来产生收入, non-academic classes, 事件 and conferences.  市场是提供给所有教职员工和学生职能和组织.

市场 电子商务解决方案是否适用于十大网赌正规网址官网地区部门和组织. 这安全, online e-commerce environment helps colleges automate, 管理, and secure payments and business transactions.

市场 与我们的Banner系统完全集成,可以将交易直接输入Banner的每个部门收入账户.

Alamo 市场购物中心

Visit the 市场购物中心

Benefits of 市场购物中心


市场支持各种各样的在线和点销售商务活动在所有大学从门票, 事件, continuing education classes and fundraiser merchandise. Each site is designed to meet each department or organization's needs. 

Centralized System and Convenient

Reports can be viewed online, on-demand, for all stores and payments. 
Reports will gather registration and demographic information, as well as process payments for the organization in a single transaction. 市场是一个全国性的24/7全天候注册或支付的公共网站.

Compliant Payment Processing

市场为任何基于web的应用程序提供安全的PA-DSS兼容支付处理, moving campus-wide payments into one centralized, certified payment application. TouchNet已获得最新持卡人资讯安全标准的全面认证, 包括支付应用数据安全标准(PA-DSS)和支付卡行业数据安全标准(PCI DSS). TouchNet UCommerce的所有组件都已通过PA-DSS认证.

任何商店/产品设置在使用市场时必须符合阿拉莫大学 区的政策, including but not limited to, policies pertaining to financial 管理ment, information security, privacy and the collection of student data under FERPA.


If you wish to set up a store, 事件或产品, 给你所在学院的财务助理发邮件,安排一次初步咨询会议. 在一起, 您将讨论市场如何帮助您的部门或组织创建/开发市场网站/产品或活动.

您需要完成市场商店设置表单,并完成处理您的请求所需的所有部分和字段. The Assistant Bursar will email you the form. 一旦我们收到并批准表格,请允许至少两周的时间来完成您的请求. 除了, any guides or instructions will be emailed to you once the store, 产品或事件 is setup.

If your department or organization has questions about the 市场购物中心, 请与学院商务办公室的助理财务主管或地区商务办公室的财务主管联系.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will we be trained to 管理 our store?

Most stores and products will be set-up by the Assistant Bursar. 唯一必要的培训将是一个简短的演练你的商店,一旦它准备好去生活.

The Assistant Bursar will demonstrate how to view/download reports, 完成订单, locate an order and basic navigation. Electronic materials are also available to assist you in these activities.  Please contact the Assistant Bursar at your 大学.

Will there be potential down times?

是的, 偶尔,TouchNet应用程序会因升级或十大网赌正规网址官网区年终处理而停机. You will be notified when the down time is scheduled.

What payment options can we accept in our store?

We currently have two main payment options available.  We have the online payments through 市场购物中心. 

The second option is using a point of sales credit card device (POS).  These are on the spot credit card transaction process.  除了, we are only allowing stores to accept Credit/Debit cards branded with the 4 major credit card companies; Visa, 万事达卡, 发现, and American Express.


How do we grant users access to our 市场 uStore reports?

Please contact your 大学’s 业务办公室 Assistant Bursar.  Please specify who will need access to view/download reports.

Is there credit card minimum purchase payments?

是的, there is a minimum credit card purchase of $5.00.

Can we accept donations for our department?

If your department would like to accept donations, please contact the 阿拉莫大学 Foundation Department.

How do I process a payment refund?

Payment refunds are processed through the 区 业务办公室 Bursar. 请将订单编号及要求退款的金额电邮至区商务办公室财务长.

Who do I contact if there is something wrong with my uStore?

If you are experiencing issues with your site, 产品或事件, contact the Assistant Bursar at your college.

How long does it take to set up a 市场 uStore?

Most stores can be set up in two weeks.  各种因素将决定你的新店、活动或产品能多快建立起来.  Most common factors that will affect the store setup include: 

  • 市场经理的工作量(8月、1月和6月将导致较慢的设置时间)
  • Complexity of the products/store design
  • 在建立和测试期间,部门和组织是否能够与助理会计沟通,提供产品细节和反馈
Is 市场 PCI-Compliant?

是的! 阿拉莫大学 区 is subject to the rules, 有关PCI/数据安全标准(PCI/DSS)所定义的支付卡和持卡人数据处理的法规和合同条款.  市场是我们目前用来确保我们坚持这些标准的工具之一. For more information about PCI Security Standards, please visit the Official PCI Security Standards Council website.

What type of products or services could our 市场购物中心 provide?

市场 can be used for all sorts of products including: 

  • 测试费用
  • 活动门票
  • Conference registration/payment
  • 营地
  • 研讨会
  • Application fees/deposits
  • 发票付款
  • t恤的销售
  • 会员资格
  • 数码产品